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A reflection on our social media coverage of National Recycling Week

Date Created: 23rd Oct 2022

pov of the bottom of a recycling bin. A person's hand is throwing something in and bottles, cans and containers are visible.

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It feels like it’s flown by, but National Recycling Week is coming to an end. Focusing for a moment on the first word; National – it really does feel like it’s been an effort that people from all parts of the U.K have championed and shown excitement for. We’ve loved celebrating just some of the ways we can all Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, so read on for Grace’s summary of the ideas we’ve advocated for this week and how we’ll continue in the future! 

On Monday and Tuesday, we were all about the importance of Reusing – which should always be the first consideration before we dispose of an item. Even the most simplistic and mundane of household items can find a new purpose with a little injection of creativity and a spark of innovation. Take the humble cardboard inner of a toilet roll; have you ever envisaged it changing shape to outline the petals on a sunflower? Communications Officer Lisa did, and you can see how she made it over on our TikTok! 

When we consider re/up-cycling, we don’t usually think of furniture – but we most definitely should. So much of it ends up at the tip; usually when we’re moving house or just want to spruce up the décor. But stopping for a moment and thinking outside the box can save money, time and unnecessary waste! You could unlock your creativity by painting a table in a new colour or design, or re-upholstering a tired armchair. But if what you need isn’t at home; you’re very likely to find it in a charity or second-hand store! 

Mid-week marked a segue into clothing, and reusing and thrifting specifically. We’re huge supporters of all things charity shops; and what’s not to like?

  • Low cost ✅
  • Environmentally friendly ✅
  • Money going to a good cause ✅
  • And, creativity paradise ✅

Of course, there are several more ways to source pre-loved, and on our social media channels we explored buying and selling apps, vintage stores and for a more community-orientated experience; a clothes swap evening. (We’ve also got a brand-new blog out diving into slow fashion and how it can bring your creativity to life!)

Sandwiched in-between the two days of fashion focus was some light advocacy on the power of giving – and how it benefits both parties and promotes a better world. If you no longer have need of an item but charity shops won’t take it, you can’t sell it and don’t want to take it to the tip, you may feel rather stuck. But you needn’t be lumbered with it, as online neighbourly communities like and provide the chance to send your piece to a good home for free – and give you back that space in the garage!  

As the week progressed, we embarked on the final R – recycle. Because sometimes; there’s just no getting away from it; so we might as well do it properly. We couldn’t cover everything in a couple of days, but we highlighted the easiest to incorporate into our lives, and of course the quirky ones we couldn’t resist! There are items we all use and often throw away without thinking – such as milk and other bottle tops. In many areas, local initiatives exist that recycle bottle tops with even numbers, and some even reuse them with craft! My personal favourite is a scheme I discovered a few years ago – an Aberdeenshire animal rescue charity which uses cleaned mascara brushes to comfort and clean baby animals. Trust me when I say their videos will brighten your day no end!

There seems no better end to this blog than the mental image of fluffy ducklings and baby bunnies being stroked while wrapped in a towel. And after all, it’s important to maintain a message of hope and positivity when addressing the climate crisis, rather than thinking “I’m just one person, what can I do?”

At Artswork we’re very hopeful and buoyed up about the difference we can make and messages we spread – and we’ll be continuing Our Environmental Journey as long as possible. We hope you’ll stay with us as we look to the future!  


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