Breakthrough is underway.
After a busy Autumn recruiting, the Breakthrough programme got off to a great start in early October, starting with a jam-packed 3‑week training programme delivered by our careers team. All 20 placements were successfully filled, and the young people are now settling into their new workplaces in roles such as Programmes Assistant, Museum Intern and Arts Marketing Co-ordinator.
The training focused on supporting young people to share their lived experience with employers and use their voice to make positive changes in the workplace, as well as covering topics such as networking, writing professionally, and managing a workload. Pictured here is a jamboard created in a training session, where the newly recruited young people were invited to respond to the questions ‘What do you care about? What do you want to use youth voice to advocate about?’. You can see repeating themes of equality, LGBTQ+ rights, animal rights, community & social responsibility, the environment, and the arts.
For Discover! Creative Careers Week, we asked Breakthrough participants to share with us some of the things they’ve learnt so far on the programme:
Evie, Creative Projects Assistant at Independent Arts on the Isle of Wight shared:
“My breakthrough placement so far has been hugely educational for me, I’m expanding my knowledge when it comes to diversity, inclusion and the lived experiences of members of my local community. Taking on this job role was a new challenge for me and I’m really glad that I was given the opportunity!”
Holly, Arts Co-ordinator at Sound Pop Academy in Southampton says:
“My confidence in communication has improved within weeks of working here.”
Arts Administration Assistant at De La Warr Pavillion art gallery in Bexhill, Elliot, says:
“I’m enjoying doing something different every day, last week I was cutting out eye holes for day of the dead masks being used at a family art day, then the following week hanging artwork by inspiring young artists at a mental health hospital.”
Carla, the new Assistant Event Co-Ordinator at Artful Scribe shared:
“I’m posting social media stories, writing reviews for festivals, blogging about poetry open nights and even contributing to our Arts council report – a new challenge everyday.”
Programmes like Breakthrough are so valuable in working to nurture & amplify youth voice, and provide opportunities for young people to take their first steps in the industry. We’re so proud to celebrate the hard work and amazing input of every one of the new Trainee’s.