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28th September 2023

End of Summer Jam in Bognor Regis

As part of our Activate Young Cultural Changemakers Programme, Artswork attended the Ground Zero – End of Summer Jam event at Bognor’s Place St Maur on the 3rd of September 2023. It was a very warm and busy day, where children and young people took part in energetic dance workshops and dance battles hosted by Ground Zero Live and SOC!ETY DANCE ACADEMY founder, Erduan Xhaferi. Artswork supported Erduan by delivering a mindful colouring activity designed by Artswork’s Creative Placemaking Producer for Arun, Beccy East with support from Creative Producer Apprentice Leanne. The event was so lively that a few eventgoers even mentioned they heard the low hum of music from their homes and came to see what was going on! 

We had some great conversations, with a lot of parents, children and young people thrilled with the event and wanting more opportunities like this, with an expressed need for activities for ALL to enjoy, giving a real sense of community at Place St Maur. The participants at the mindful colouring stall wanted more opportunities to get creative with processes like paper craft. During our activity, we asked the children and young people two questions, What one thing would you change about Bognor?’ and What would help you as a young person to thrive in Bognor Regis?’ The responses from these questions were inspiring as they expressed how they would like the sea to be cleaner with much less litter, as well as the need for low-cost, sensory activities to stimulate their minds and help them thrive. One young person also suggested that entertainment aimed at 18 – 25 year olds would help them socialise more, improve wellness and provide activities for them and their younger family members to enjoy. 

One mother told us that she can’t take all her children to the beach as there are no accessible pathways, so installing those would mean that all families with prams or mobility aids could visit the beach freely. Artswork apprentice Leanne Livermore reflected on the fun-filled event with enthusiasm 

Watching the young people take part in the dance battles was absolutely inspiring! There was so much talent, and it was no surprise that we had lots of young dancers run up to our What would you like to see in Bognor Regis?’ board with passionate requests for more dance workshops, battles, lessons, competitions and events!” 

All the young people’s thoughts and suggestions will be translated into exciting artworks or events in the future where the power of planning, budgets and delivery will be put in their hands and Artswork will support and train the young people in developing leadership skills and generating youth-led change. 

This project is supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

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