How Arts Award Can Boost Your Confidence
Aleysha tells us how doing her Gold Arts Award has given her new confidence and broadened her interest in the arts.
Aleysha, who is doing her Gold Arts Award, tells us how it has given her new confidence and broadened her interest in the arts.
Aleysha: From around the age of 4 I have been in love with the creative industry. I fell in love with the concept that art is a world of endless creations. Art has helped me in many situations. When I am happy I create, when I am angry or blue I create. Through both art and Gold Arts Award I have been able to gain confidence and even meet new people. I have always been a shy and socially awkward person, this course requires you to take leadership, at first this was a little intimidating however, it’s been a great boost of confidence and it is a great skill to have and develop. I also gained confidence from my work being recognised being a child with autism this was huge for me I hope to inspire others with ASD.
I fell in love with the concept that art is a world of endless creations. Art has helped me in many situations. When I am happy I create, when I am angry or blue I create.
I’ve learnt new art forms that I hadn’t really experimented with before such as photography and fashion. I’ve also learnt how to grow my creations and advance my intellectual knowledge around the arts. Gold award is most definitely a gratifying opportunity. That should be taken by anyone who is offered or is simply interested. I highly recommend taking this course. As it has led me on to amazing things since, I’ve been doing clubs at UCA which gave me more bronze awards, masterclasses at the Royal academy of arts, shortlisted for the John Downton awards and now the chance to move straight to doing my foundation year at UCA after I have finished my GCSE’s all thanks to doing Gold Arts Award.
With gold award you do get support from your mentors and the YALN fund of up to £500 as well as being independent.* I’ve used this fund and it’s helped me so much to reach my envisioned plan for my gold award projects. It opens up multiple doors as to what you can do. Take the opportunity now!
*Please note this support may no longer be available after the date of this articles publication.