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Artswork’s Anti-discrimination Charter

At Artswork we strive to make the arts and creativity available to absolutely everyone. We aim to break through barriers and develop new ways for people to discover the success, empowerment and sheer joy that the arts and creativity can bring to classrooms, communities and careers. 

When working with Artswork, everyone can expect to be treated equitably and without discrimination. Our Anti-discrimination Charter is a set of commitments and expectations that we are signing up to as individuals and an organisation. This charter has grown out of an all-staff Race Equity and Anti-Discrimination programme, which took place between December 2021 and May 2022. Working with specialist provider No Barriers, the programme helped the staff team to build confidence, and develop awareness, knowledge and skills to be active anti-racist allies.

Our charter sets out what employees, Trustees, apprentices, programme partners, participants or consultants should expect when engaging with us. This charter is a living document, which we will continue to use, refer to and update on an ongoing basis. Download a visual version of the charter using the button below.

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