Course Focus: Safeguarding Adults at Risk with Lesley Wood
Lesley Wood has been championing the wellbeing and development of children and young people in the creative, cultural and education sectors for more than 20 years. Her experience of work with, for and by those with additional needs informed the development of this course. Here she explains how safeguarding adults at risk became a concern to professionals across our sector…
When I ask people what the term safeguarding means, people often include adults at risk and young people in their descriptions. It is good to know that organisations have the same commitment to those who are over 18 and at risk as they have for children. Many projects and activities we deliver include young people under 18 who are covered by child protection laws and those over 18 who no longer receive this protection. This can make it difficult to know how to respond to disclosures or concerns when someone is identified as and adult and is vulnerable or at risk. Adult safeguarding is guided by the Care Act 2014, and has key principles on handling disclosures and concerns that are different to the guidance given for safeguarding children. There are also additional areas of abuse connected to adult safeguarding. It is important that organisations and individuals know how to manage the two safeguarding areas. The safeguarding adults at risk course has been written to help you do this, it can support practitioners and organisations to understand better the principles of adult safeguarding and provide strategies for developing policy and practice that is specific to adults at risk.

This article was written in 2020 and references in-person training we were delivering at the time. You can now access our on-demand course, Introduction to Safeguarding Adults at Risk, which covers the above topics to learn at your own pace.
Introduction to Safeguarding Adults at Risk
A comprehensive safeguarding course to provide an overview of working responsibly with vulnerable adults.