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Creative Careers at Year 5
Invigorate your classroom by giving your pupils an exciting insight into the film industry.
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Golden Threads: Integrating Creativity into Teaching Practices
Learn how to embed arts and cultural experiences into your everyday teaching, transforming the learning environment.
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Introduction to Safeguarding Adults at Risk
A comprehensive safeguarding course to provide an overview of working responsibly with vulnerable adults.
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Priority Places: Understanding Equality and Diversity
Understand how to make your workplace more inclusive and accessible. Delve into protected characteristics, unconscious bias, prejudice and how to tackle them.
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Equality and Diversity
Understand how to make your workplace more inclusive and accessible. Delve into protected characteristics, unconscious bias, prejudice and how to tackle them.
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Priority Places: Understanding Unconscious Bias
Explore different types of bias and how they might impact on your organisation and the delivery of your activities and programmes.
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Managing Unconscious Bias
Explore different types of bias and how they might impact on your organisation and the delivery of your activities and programmes.
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Priority Places: Understanding How to Create Surveys
Learn all about developing and delivering surveys to support organisational growth and development, data collection and/or evaluation processes.
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Survey Mastery: Creating and Harnessing Data-Driven Insights
Learn all about developing and delivering surveys to support organisational growth and development, data collection and/or evaluation processes.
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