Presentations – Creative Approaches to School Year Transition
On Wednesday 24 March 2021, we hosted the second of our webinar for teachers and Senior Leaders, focusing on the important topic of transition, and how creative approaches to this can create a rich experience for pupils. We were joined by Ali Lockwood (Alver Valley School), Bec Brittain and Karina Rodriguez (Future Creatives), and Carol Wild (The River Project).
The slides used by speakers can now be downloaded from the links below. Individual presentations can be watched on our YouTube channel here.
Download presentation 1
The Adventurers Programme (Transition from Nursery to Infants school) - Ali Lockwood, Head of Schools at Alver Valley School in Gosport
Download presentation 2
Exploring the Familiar: A Psycho-Geography Arts project designed to support Primary to Secondary Transition - Bec Brittain, Creative Producer, and Karina Rodriguez, Digital Researcher, Future Creatives, Brighton
Download presentation 3
The River Project - Carol Wild, Artist Educator working with schools in Oxfordshire