Representation in Drama: 150 plays from global majority writers
View a set of resources that ensure exam boards like Pearson are inclusive, and have better representation on their specifications.
Arts education in schools during COVID-19
Case study exploring how Westdene Primary School approached arts education during COVID-19 by thinking creatively about creativity.
Presentations – Creative Approaches to School Year Transition
Presentations on creative approaches to supporting pupils transition between school years
Artswork’s Professional Development Brochure
View our Professional Development brochure and find out more about our training offer.
Panic! Social Class, Taste and Inequalities in the Creative Industries
Despite the creative and cultural industries being diverse, there are significant inequalities that happen on a significant scale. Read the report.
South East Museums Development Programme: Cultural Partnerships Toolkit
A toolkit that collates useful tools that highlight the importance of collaboration between organisations to benefit creative projects.
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